I use the Maguma Studio environment (http://www.maguma.com/). It features
some pretty little colors in the code too. It also makes it easy to find
what you need from all your classes and other files in a convenient style,
and it is almost totally customizable. You can even customize PHP and HTML
tags and variables, etc. Not to forget that all lines are numbered and it
has a find feature. It has it's own browser that acts like IE's browser to
test your scripts while you write them. It also has an autocomplete feature
(kind of like with Interdev). Give it a try, I'm sure you'll like it. I like
it better than Homesite, Dreamweaver, Interdev or lower-end environments.

-- Darwin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Taylor [mailto:simon.taylor@;afritol.co.za]
> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 4:34 AM
> Subject: [PHP] php development environment
> Hi All,
> Does anyone know if there is a good php development environment
> around, you
> know something that will hold a list of functions/classes so you
> don't have
> to scroll through thousands of line of code looking for a few lines of
> spurious code...and all the other goodies that come with that sort of
> thing.. At the moment I use homesite which is pretty cool and makes all me
> lines come out in pretty colours, but I am getting frustrated as
> things are
> growing..
> Thanks..
> _____________________________________
> Simon Taylor
> AfriTol (Pty) Ltd.
> --
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