What you need to do is go into your apache_1.3.26/src/modules/php4
directory and and clean out the libphp files.

1. Stop apache.
2. Remove lib files from apache_1.3.26/src/modules/php4 
3. Do a make clean in apaches top dir.
4. Do a make clean in php top dir.
5. Remove config.cache in php dir.
6. Then recompile php -> make -> make install
7. Then recompile apache -> make -> make install
8. Restart apache
9. View phpinfo()

Should work now..

On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 16:43, Lee P. Reilly wrote:
> Hi there,
> I wonder if someone could answer a few questions for me? First of all,
> excuse my ignorance as I'm somewhat of a Linux newbie. I have installed
> PHP, Apache, Mysql, etc. on Windows numerous times, but have found the
> Linux installation to be more troublesome due in part (more likely in
> whole) to my lack of Linux experience.
> Following the instructions for setting up on PHP 4.x for Apache 1.x.x on
> the URL,
> http://www.e-gineer.com/instructions/install-php4x-for-apache1xx-on-linux.phtml
> I installed PHP as a module under Apache. I am using JPGraph which
> requires the GD graphics library, so after installing PHP with the basic
> options, I decided to reinstall it with GD support. Here is what I did
> to accomplish this:
> In my PHP directory, I removed the config.cache file, did a 'make clean'
> and recompiled as follows:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> ./configure \
> --with-config-file-path=/www/conf \
> --with-apache=../apache_1.3.27 \
> --with-png-dir=/usr/local \
> --with-gd=/usr/local \
> --with-zlib \
> --enable-track-vars
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> This seemed to be successful!
> In the Apache directory, I did a 'make clean' and and recompiled as
> follows:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> ./configure \
> --with-layout=Apache \
> --prefix=/usr/local/httpd \
> --sysconfdir=/www/conf \
> --enable-module=rewrite \
> --enable-module=status \
> --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Typed 'make'
> Stopped Apache
> Typed 'make install'
> Started Apache
> This also seemed to be successful.
> However, phpinfo() generates information from the previous install. The
> configure command generated by phpinfo() is 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>  './configure' '--with-config-file-path=/www/conf'
> '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.27' '--enable-track-vars'
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> And the build date show the time/date when I built it yesterday.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Can anyone suggest a reason for this? Is there something I am doing
> wrong?
> Thanks very much in advance for your help!
> - Best regards,
> Lee Reilly
.: B i g D o g :.

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