On Tuesday 03 December 2002 18:29, James Coates wrote:

> Perhaps you could throw a clue my way, in that case.

> I have an actor database (mySQL again) which has actor dates of birth in
> 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. I want to be able to query against that ignoring the
> year:
> * give me actors who have birthdays in the next five days

Assuming the column holding the the birthday is called 'birthday':

a) you have to work out the date in 5 days time:


b) You have to transform the birthdays so that they are for the current year 
(so instead of 1981-04-01 it becomes 2002-04-01)

    CONCAT(YEAR(CURRENT_DATE), '-', MONTH(birthday), '-', 

c) Combine both into your query:

         CONCAT(YEAR(CURRENT_DATE), '-', MONTH(birthday), '-', 
DAYOFMONTH(birthday)) as current_birthday
   FROM table
   WHERE current_birthday >= CURRENT_DATE
     AND current_birthday <= DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 5 DAY)

** Untested ** use with extreme caution.

> * give me actors whose birthdays fall between two dates (ie: Aries)

This one is easy, use the BETWEEN clause in your SELECT statement. Consult 
manual for details.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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