You want the receiving page to be php that makes an xml page that is
then pushed to be a processing page back to the user?

I think some more detail might be needed...

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:35, Chris Boget wrote:
> I'm looking into doing something like the following:
> [best viewed w/fixed width font]
> User Request                         User Interface
>     |                                       ^
>     \/                                      |
> Receiving Page --> XML Data push --> Processing Page
> where the "Receiving page" is a controller and pushes data
> (as XML) to a processing page.  What I'm not sure of is how
> I can push the data.  I'd rather not use sessions and the data
> would be too large to pass as a get.  I've looked at CURL but
> unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure that's what I need.
> I'm curious if someone can point me in the right direction?  I
> don't need to know _exactly_ how to do this.  In fact, I'd rather
> figure it out on my own.  But as I'm not even sure where to 
> start looking, coming up with that answer is much more difficult.
> So if any of you know where I can start looking to learn how I
> can do this, I'd be ever so appreciative!
> thnx,
> Chris

Ray Hunter

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