As far as I know, there is no mcrypt windows version. You´ll have to try to compile it yourself. And don´t ask me how because I don´t know:-)

A sugestion: If you can, change to linux. It´s better and it´s Free.



At 18:33 23/12/2002 -0500, Ysrael Guzmán wrote:
Hi, my server is win 2000 server and IIS 5.0
i wnat to work to MCRYPT, but i don't know.......

help me please.

Por favor yo estoy trabajando con windows 2000 server, y mi servidor web
es un Internet Information Service, trabajo con PHP y Mysql...
deseo encriptar con MCRYPT, pero no viene instalado como hago...
es dificil????

alguien sabe o a trabajado con esto en windows...


Ysrael Guzmán Meza

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