Not to cause a flame war, but, MySQL and PostgreSQL are both excellent
choices, MySQL tends to be a lighter less feature rich database while
PostgreSQL tends to have more features, perform better under load, etc.

You can read a lot about the two databases at and also at

I highly dispute the claim that MySQL is more actively used or that it
is more actively developed, PostgreSQL has a very good sized user base
with a lot of both non commericial community support and commericial
quality support. 

There are a large number of applications that use postgres as well, even
if there weren't the reasoning "there are lots of applications that use
this product so it must be good" is amazing to me, if that were true
Windows would be the winner because there is the most commercial support
for windows, there is also the most applications for windows so
therefore windows must be better than Unix (we all know that is not
true, at least in most cases).

This is not intended to cause a flame, just to balance the comments, as
always you should do your own benchmarking or at least do in dept
research before deciding on any solution.  Your mileage will vary so
take other people's advice carefully, in the end look at performance,
stability, ability to scale, and support.

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 06:11, Jeffrey B. Ferland wrote:
> > > I'm just deciding which DB to use for my projects and I'm not clear with
> one
> > > thing... When considering a database for web, is MySQL good enough? I
> read
> > > it only supports table locking, which is not very satisfying in such a
> > > multiuser environment as the internet..
> >
> > PostgreSQL has transactions and locks single records - MySQL locks
> > whole tables.
> > I read something like this: "MySQL is more popular because a lot
> > application is made in MySQL. If you make a new application from the
> > base - choose PostgreSQL".
> See MySQL 4.x. They also have subselects now (HUGE!). As for an
> understanding of the importance of row locking vs. table locking, it's
> probably only going to be an issue if you're recieving a large number of
> hits per second that actually need to lock records. Be sure to read up on
> the different table types that are available and their features. It would
> help if we had a better idea of the goal of your application (EG slashdot
> doesn't need to lock its user records, etc.). Or it wouldn't matter much if
> you used 4.x.
> > > Based on your experience, what are pros and cons of MySQL and why most
> of
> > > you prefer to use MySQL to PostgreSQL, which is aparently more
> powerful..
> Honestly? MySQL seems to be more actively used, and more actively developed,
> and has more programs with hooks for it (even though SQL should be truly
> universal *sigh*). And I just like it. Didn't really need anything
> PostgreSQL had to offer at the time, and when it comes that I do need things
> like subselects, I'll just upgrade my version.
> -Jeff
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