On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Anders Thoresson wrote:

>   I'm planning to build a web album for my digital photographs, and have
> some questions regarding the design:

I don't want to discourage you from hacking your own code ... that's phat,
so plz take this just as some heads-up info:

IMHO, Gallery can't be beat for a web photo album.  It's got some of its
own problems and lacking features, but it's a solid idea with a lot of
code for doing, well, just about everything you'd want to do with a web
photo album.  I didn't write it nor know the people who do.  However, I do
use it, and have hacked at it for my own albums:


If for no other use, it's probably a valuable project to study.  Check it
out, and dive into its code for features you like.  You may find ways to
implement some things well, and, like I, find ways to NOT implement things
poorly.  (BTW, it doesn't use a database for anything!)

That said ....

>   1) Is it better to store the images within the database, or just store
> pointers to the images which is put outside, in the filesystem?

Keep files in the filesystem :)

>   2) At log in, I want to show to which albums new pictures have been added
> since last visit. For performance reasons, should information about last
> added pictures be added to the database, or is it ok to make a MySQL-query
> each time, comparing the add-date for every picture in every album with the
> users last log in date?

Personal photo albums tend to be low-traffic.  And you're aiming for a
very specific functionality ... a repeating query is probably a safe
solution (seems like the only one, too).

>   3) If I've understood things right, there is functions within PHP that
> can handle picture resizing? Is that correct?

Yes.  http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php


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