> Don wrote:
> >
> >I'm using I.E. 6.
> >
> Its not a browser thing, but a PHP thing.
> >  I noticed that register_globals was set ON in my php.ini file so I
changed it to OFF in as per the security warning.  I've noticed a side
effect.  When I submit a form via POST and then go back from the results
page, my form has been cleared, i.e.., as if the page has been reloaded.  Is
this a normal effect of setting register_globals OFF?  Is there a way to
continue caching?
> >
> Yes, this is exactly what register_globals does. If you are using the
> recommended setting of off then you get at your variables with the new
> super-globals, that is:
> $myvar = $_POST['myvar'];    // for POST data.
> $myvar = $_GET['myvar'];    // for GET data.
> $myvar = $_REQUEST['myvar'];    // for both POST and GET data.
> Hope this helps.
> Chris


Thanks for your response but I don't think this is what I was asking; could
be wrong though.

What I want to know is why is my initial HTML form is empty when I click on
the back browser button.  There is no PHP in my form, just straight HTML.  I
only use PHP to process the form, not to create it.

Order of events
Fill out form
Click submit
PHP processes script and returns confirmation page
User clicks browser BACK button and returns to form
Where have the user's entries vanished to?


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