
Tuesday, January 21, 2003, 7:48:04 PM, you wrote:
S> Hi Group,

S> I basically have some simple code such as:

S> ==================================================

S> if ( $_POST['passwd'] != $db['password']
S> {    header("Location: loginfailed.html");
S> }

S> //else

S> $header = "Location: success.html";

S> ==================================================

S> however, when I run this code, using a <FORM> to submit password, username,
S> etc...... if the passwords do not match, the page is forwarded to
S> success.html !

S> Is there anything obvious that I am doing wrong?

S> Thanks,
S> Shams

S> p.s. I don't want to use else{} because I have lots of if() checks!

put exit(); after the failed header.


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