Try fstat() function on the file pointer - it will return you the various
results, including its size.

Maxim Maletsky

Rodrigo Corrêa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :

> How do i use the function filesize, because i´m using like:
> I just want associate the variable $body with a html file
>                 $file_name = 'c:/templates/resp_rep_efetiva_contrato.php';
>                 $fd = fopen($file_name,"r");
> line 27       $size = filesize($file_name);  / Dá erro aqui
>                 $body = fread($fd, $size);
>                 $mail = mail($address, $subject, $body, $header); 
> it keeps saind that:
> Warning: stat failed for c://templates/resp_rep_efetiva_contrato.php (errno=2 - No 
>such file or directory) in line 27
> but, the file exists because the fopen function works ok, I don´t known what to do
> Thanks in advance
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         Equipe Pratic Sistemas
>         Rodrigo Corrêa
>         Fone: (14) 441-1700
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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