
        I am trying to figure out using classes.  I have read and read and read
about them but still cannot figure them new fangled things out.  Could
someone please alter this snippet just a bit so it would be a correct test
script with a call to it?

When  I run the script I get this in my browser <<

Warning: Missing argument 1 for first() in /usr/~~~~~~~~~~~~~index.php on
line 8
Warning: Missing argument 2 for first() in /usr/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/index.php
on line 8

As you see it does print the output.  What am I doing wrong?



<? php;
class first
        var $age;
        var $name;

        function first($age, $name)
                return $age.$name;

//main script
$first = new first;
$test=$first->first(35, "chris");

print $test;

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