> I would like to create two pages using the fwrite() and fopen()
> variables...btw I am a newbie:
> One form page to enter information. I've done that and used the same
> format as a typical html page. method="post" action="submit.php">
> I want the second page to show the information was submitted and have
> information create a permenant html page named after one of the text
> on the page.
> I guess this will lead to three pages because i will have a template
> up for the created page to look like the pages that have already been
> created by static html.
> In effect...the user will physically upload a file to an intranet
> Next go to the form page and add the information on the file they just
> submitted to the server. Once that information is added and the submit
> button is pressed, it will trigger a html page to be created with the
> submitted. Help!

Assuming $_POST['text'] would contain what is in your text area, writing
it to a page is as simple as this:

$fp = fopen('filename.html','w');

How easy is that? Have you even read the manual pages on fopen() or

---John W. Holmes...

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