On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 11:22, Chris Hewitt wrote:
> Nick Holden wrote:
> >I'm having a dispute with an ISP (surprise) about the non-functioning of
> >a PHP error script.
> >
> >Currently, the error script is at
> >http://www.touristguides.org.uk/error.php - a direct click on that link
> >will redirect you, using:
> >    header("Location: http://www.touristguides.org.uk/index.php";);
> >And sure enough, you end up at /index.php
> >
> >However, when I ask for /nosuchpage I get a blank window, and the
> >following source is output:
> ><html><body></body></html>
> >And that's all.
> >
> >I've stripped down all the complicated stuff from the error page, and I
> >can't understand why it will redirect fine if it's called directly, but
> >not if it is functioning as an error page (the .htaccess has the
> >necessary ErrorDocument directives in it).
> >
> >The ISP say "I believe the problem may lie in the fact a 404 status has
> >already been sent so it nullifies the 302 redirect status. I suggest
> >searching php.net for more details" - which, naturally, I have done,
> >without enlightenment.
> >
> >But the script works nicely on another server, suggesting that it might
> >be something to do with the Apache configuration. I'm rapidly getting
> >out of my depth now, and would appreciate some guidance on where to turn
> >next. Thanks,
> >
> >Nick
> >
> I'm not an expert at this either, but you could test whether the 
> nosuchpage 404 is getting to your error.php by replacing the redirection 
> with some ordinary html that will display a message to you.
> At least that way you will know whether its the location header that is 
> the problem or not.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for putting some thought to this. I did try what you suggested,
and sure enough, the non-existent pages now direct to the plain html of
the error.php page. So I guess the problem is related to the header()
call, and not a problem getting to the error.php in the first place.

Still stuck, of course...


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