if you did a 'make install' and didn't receive any errors, then I'd suggest making sure you restarted the Apache daemon, if that still resolves to the older version, then check the paths to the /path/to/apache/libexec/libphp.so

You can look at the date/time stamp of the file to determine if the PHPv4.2.3 install overwrote the older one successfully or not. If you still have problems, then you might need to check the path you are giving to the --with-apxs for compiling PHP.

Jason k Larson

PathFinder Software wrote:

I upgraded PHP from 4.0.3pl1 to php-4.2.3 on my Apache/1.3.14
using 'apxs' and I did not received any errors during the
configure and make. The installation seems to have gone just

However, when I load a phpinfo.php document I get the 4.0.3pl1
version displayed???

What can be wrong and what test or steps do I need to perform to
correct this?


Normand J. Charette
PathFinder Software/Affiliate Software

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