
Does anyone know how to make the flag "sort_numeric" work? 
Will it work with asort?  

asort ($numeric_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
I've tried this but it looks like it's having problems with the comma in
big numbers. 
I'm not absolutely sure, but it looks like it's ignoring everything
after a comma when it sorts.

Jim Long

BTW: asort is the one I need as I must maintain the keys

JanetVal Wrote:

> sort() sorts by value but assigns new keys as numbers.
> asort() sorts by value, but keeps the same keys
> ksort() sorts by key.

| Jim Long Network - Web Design              |
| http://jimlong.net/web                     |
| Jim Long - Rep: Manhattan Dance Orchestra  |
| http://manhattandanceorchestra.com         |

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