At 21:54 02.03.2003, Sunfire said:
>well i told him it was probably java or something of the sort cuz he uses
>java in his pages sometimes expecially when it comes to buttons or something

right, you can do some logic with JavaScript (don't confuse that with Java
please!). There's a big BUT there - you can never be sure the client
browser gets it right, be it because JS is switched off, or some malicious
guy tries to trick your application.

>oh well he said that frames are good for the sighted people because it makes
>things easier to find and makes the page look this true or are
>frames just utterly useless?

Layout is a matter of taste, there's no final judgement about this, I
believe. I don't really like your particular layout of the site for two
- the graphics render horribly (still alpha, going to be better?)
- the list scrolls endlessly - there must be a better way to display
records found

That doesn't mean that frames are the way to go - usually frames make a
site more complicated from a technical view. With languages like PHP it's
very easy to generate good-looking pages that are easy to navigate - start
your thoughts by trying to separate data and logic from presentation.

>btw i am also totally blind using jaws for windows and even though i have
>great concepts of where to put stuff on pages he is telling me its all wrong
>visually and it needs to be redone so he told me where to put stuff and i
>had to move everything around on it..

If he's the boss you should do what he wants; if you believe you have a
better concept try to make an alternative presentation.

>sorry if this starting to fall outside php line but as far as php goes i
>think its important things to concider in my php/sql programming life..
>i know im not talking direct code but i do need to know if i have layout
>problems or if the guy is taking his sight for granted...

Presentation doesn't have anything to do with web programming - that's the
HTML stuff. It's just composed by your application. Have a look at some
template engines like Smarty to get an idea.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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