How to grab the last -n lines from a data file and display the stored data
Only the the last 10 line numbers coming back when I echo $i

How do I get the list($adnr, $user, $date, $listed  .... to catch the datafields

datafile looks like

// code start 
$file = file("data/"); 
for ($i = count($file); $i > count($file) - 10; $i--) 
foreach($i as $line) {
list($adnr, $user, $date, $listed, $hlong, $eins, $zwei, $drei, $vier, $usern, $locst, 
$locstaa, $locc, $funf, $sech, $email, $Url, $ClassCat, $ClassCat2, $Headstart, 
$Headend, $Descrip, $End1, $Endzwei, $End3, $Endvier, $Endfunf, $Endsech, $Endsieben, 
$Endacht, $Endne, $dreizwei, $dreidrei, $dreivier, $dreifunf, $dreisechs ) = split 
("\|", $buffer);

print " $i  <a 
 target=\"_blanko\">$Endzwei $End3</a> <br>"; 


// Code end

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