04232007 0716 GMT-6 DST A db is much faster than a flat file for searching. I dont know the whole deal with your client but, if they have a site for uploading images by a end user then Im guessing there needs to be some key words that go along with it like 72Porsche911T24.jpg - 1972, Porsche, 2.4 engine, T model, red color,..... something that a end user can search on.
Ah, though if I reread your reply, you might be asking about the performance issue of a blob over a image in a folder and a path in the db. The db with a path name is faster - I would think. I dont have any other performance data on this but, just my own experience on creating this same thing, the path way is just text and that keeps your overall db size down low. That alone makes it faster. Wade On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 19:25 -0500, Mike Brandonisio wrote: > Hi Wade, > > Thanks. Have you heard of any performance issue with thousands of > images in one folder on linux vs. windows. There will be one admin. > This is strictly for searching for the stored images. > > Sincerely, > Mike