05232007 2208 GMT-6 DST

If your client has as many images as they say, Im guessing that your
going to write a thumbnail function so you are not storing two of every
image. I personally wouldnt do this on Windows just because, its unknown
as to how many people will be accessing this information at any point in
time. Im not sure about the performance issue here. You have the
php/mysql lookup, the thumbnail function, the retrieval of the actual
image..... I would think Linux would be better speed wise. 


On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 21:07 -0500, Mike Brandonisio wrote:
> Hi Wade,
> Thanks for taking time to decipher my posting. Yes I figures that a  
> DB would be better than a flat file. All of the image will have meta  
> data to search on in the DB. The result will show a thumbnail and  
> link to the larger image. I read some where that windows folders on  
> FAT32 are something like 65,534 and on NTFS are 4,294,967,295 files  
> on a folder or folders in a folder. I cannot find anything on linux  
> though. Some say theoretical 10 to the 18 power.
> Sincerely,
> Mike

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