----- Original Message ----- From: "raquibul islam" > Output > > Found 'image' database > Attempting to create new 'images' table > > Table 'images' already exists (with 5 items)
I just wanted to see if you had actually created a database with a table in it, and it had something in it. This should be your "image.php" file: <?php# if (isset($_GET['i']))# {# $dbhost = 'localhost';# $dbuser = 'root';# $dbpass = '123456';# $dbname = 'image';# $tbl_name = 'images';# # mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Error: Cannot find database");# mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("Error: Cannot select database");# # $query = "SELECT image, image_type FROM $tbl_name WHERE image_id=" . $_GET['i'];# if ($query_result = mysql_query($query))# {# $image = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);# header("Content-type: $image[1]");# echo $image[0];# }# mysql_close();# }# # ?># Do a global search and replace to remove the "#" as these are the line ending! If the lines wrap at any place other than these, join the lines back up again. And this should be your index.php file: <html> <head> <title>Display An Image</title> </head> <body> <img src="image.php?i=1"> </body> </html> I've just tried it in PHP4 and PHP5 and it works on my computer without a hitch. Try saving these 2 files again, and try it. Delete the "images" table, but not the "image" database. (Names are too much alike, and there is a variable called "image" but it doesn't matter for the moment). Run the "create_table.php" I just sent, which will recreate the table, them upload a new image to the database and try it. If it doesn't work, I'll email a zipped folder with the files in it to you. Regards, Bob.