----- Original Message ----- 
From: "fw7oaks"

The point about  Windows or Linux is that they expect different 'backslashes' 
that is / or \  in fact Linux is clever 
and can cope with both while Windows can't.

So what's causing the problem is this /tmp\ses...

If you changed it to  \tmp\ses....

it will probably work - no guarantee, but it's not much effort to try :-)

Easily done, by the way, Linux is case sensitive for file names and Windows 
isn't - that's another good sticking point.


I agree about the sticking points.

Nothing worse than opening a server directory to find -
'contact us.php'

Or even worse -

Another thing that I have noticed is that sometimes Apache will pick up a 
partially matched file names when there are 
multiple dots.

Like disabled.old.htaccess or .htaccess.old.dontuse

I don't remember what file it was, I don't think it was .htaccess but I do 
remember it took ages to find.

The other thing that I have noticed is that if you have the html
<img src="one%20space.jpg">
instead of either correct notations -
<img src=one%20space.jpg>
<img src="one space.jpg">
The server will look for a file actually named 'one%20space.jpg'
It then reverts to 'one space.jpg' and finds that if it is there but seems to 
take forever to find it.

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