On Wednesday, February 6, 2019 6:21 PM, Tom Worster <f...@thefsb.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I took internals off Cc in this reply.
> > > Like all the bold ideas in this thread, that alone would need some
> > > serious planning and commitment.
> > > Technically, it's easy - assuming you'd just install PHPBB / Gitter /
> > > whatever, and not try to invent yet another wheel; but building a
> > > community is hard.
> > > For a start, off the top of my head, you would need to figure out:
> > >
> > > -   Who is this community aimed at, and how will you attract them to
> > >     use it?
> > >
> > > -   Who will moderate it, and according to what policies?
> > >     (Particularly
> > >     important if you're branding it as "the official PHP community")
> > >
> > > -   How will it relate to all the existing community tools (IRC,
> > >     StackOverflow Chat, phpug.slack.com, these mailing lists, etc,
> > >     etc)?
> > >     If you can make it successful, I'm sure it would be a great
> > >     asset, but
> > >     there's a long and uncertain road between here and there.
> > >     Regards,
> > >     --
> > >     Rowan Collins
> > >     [IMSoP]
> > >     --
> > >     PHP Webmaster List Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > >     To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> > >
> >
> > You are totally right.
> > in my opinion the the community site should be targeted to all the PHP
> > Community ( PHP Developer / Core Developers ) to ask questions about
> > PHP, discuss the development of PHP and related topics.
> > Moderation should be done by a Community Manager and Moderators. ( no
> > idea for now who these would be, people we vote for or promoted by
> > core members maybe ? )
> > For the software i would like to suggest https://flarum.org as well.
> "building a community is hard" -- Yes it is. In addition to strategy, as
> Rowan mentioned, it takes time, persistent effort, and specialized
> skills in community moderation and social media marketing.
> My suggestion was that you, as the instigator of this project, take the
> lead. Start with the limited goal of building a community of people to
> help you with your project. So the scope of conversations at first would
> be narrow: how to build the web site and a community board with general
> PHP interest. (This email fits the scope, for example.) If you can
> "reach critical mass" on some limited goal like this, you should be
> proud of a big step forwards.
> I said I think PHP needs this because I don't like to use the commercial
> systems that co-opted and fragmented our conversations. I read SO,
> Reddit etc. but I don't have accounts on anything like that so I can't
> participate. Mistrust of commercial social media is growing so maybe
> independence could be a selling point in itself. I hope so.
> Related success story: We faced difficulties organizing the Yii
> Framework community in recent years. Forum traffic on yiiframework.com
> was in decline and the community was fragmented over IRC, Slack, Gitter,
> SO, Reddit, idk what else. I proposed[1] upgrading from IPB to Discourse
> in Dec 2015. We spent more than 2 years arguing about implementation and
> eventually CeBe integrated stock Discourse into our new website in Sep
> last year. I think it's been a success so far. Traffic is recovering and
> key experts are spending time there answering questions so quality is up
> too. The recent and very good redesign of yiiframework.com website was
> probably also necessary in the success.
> So consider Discourse. I think it's clearly the best option in terms of
> functionality, user appeal, and minimizing complexity for the webmaster.
> Being ruby it's likely to be political but if the team actually
> contributing to your project doesn't mind then you can ignore that. Long
> term maintenance is critical. Avoid the possibility that a webmaster
> departs and nobody wants to take responsibility for what he or she left
> behind.
> Tom
> [1] https://github.com/yiisoft-contrib/yiiframework.com/issues/84

I'm well aware of Discourse and it's amazing. but i suggested Flarum as it is 
written in PHP and we would find it easier to maintain.
It provides most functionality that Discourse provides with the same modern 

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