Thanks for the follow-up and not-so-subtle sales pitch.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 10:11 PM Darshan S <> wrote:

> Hello Daniel, Derick, Ondřej,
> HackerRank is retracting its claim of copyright infringement. This is a
> confirmation that the earlier notice is withdrawn and no takedown is
> necessary from you.
> HackerRank streamlines the recruitment process by providing assessments
> for developers and helping companies screen based on skills instead of
> pedigree. Questions leak online and few candidates plagiarize and make it
> through, DMCA was an initiative to prevent this and promote assessment
> integrity.
> We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate any feedback or
> thoughts on how we can handle this.
> ᐧ
> ᐧ
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 4:19 AM Daniel Brown <> wrote:
>>> FTR I quickly skimmed all the user notes and they all seem as genuine
>>> comments to me.
>>     I did, as well, and I'm inclined to believe this earlier presumption
>> is most accurate:
>> My guess would be that this came from automated scanning tool and it’s
>>> the HackerRank who might have copied the content and is actually is in
>>> infringement of the PHP license.
>>      The DMCA complaint isn't even full and accurate, as it doesn't
>> identify what is infringing upon their rights, nor does it indicate when
>> their "Copyright" first took effect.  Copyrights don't work retroactively,
>> and with the exception of two user notes and two minor, generic commits to
>> the doc entry itself, nothing has changed in at least six years.
> --
> Darshan
> Manager, Content Team
> HackerRank
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