> The biggest problem is how a php script can update a file
> as a regular CVS user and make a new revision of it. This
> can be the case for the script automatically updating
> Translators or some "Revisions.html" file in the same dir
> as Translators with the HTML tables generated by the script.

BETTER: The generated revcheck.html is not a file to store
history about. So there is no need to put the generated
revcheck.html files for the languages in CVS.

They only need to be accessible online as /~rasmus/status.php
is accessible now. So it is not a problem anymore. But updating
Translators would be, if we come to administrering the files
both with the old and the new system. Then the revcheck.php
script need to act as a CVS user, and commit the new file...


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