> > Hm, your date setting seems to be broken.
> > I don't know how the modification dates are
> > stored in CVS. If they are stored as on the
> > commiting clients computer, than my date settings
> > are broken :)) I don't know.
> My date setting is not broken. The date settings are stored on both
> sides and are synced with an update.

If they are sycned, than I don't know how can a modification
time in the future can occur... Anyway, this went out in two
minutes, as there were only a two minute diff:

| 2001-09-08 20:43:58 > 2001-09-08 20:41:33

> > This error is printed on my screen two, but it just won't stop to
> > build the howto html files, they are generated. This seems to
> > be a warning, that toc levels are defined twice. The DSL file
> > is made by Daniel Backem, and I have not modified it, it worked
> > the same in the upper directory, with its own makefile.
> You mean Daniel Beckham?

Erm, yes, sorry, the letters were screwed up :)

> The modification time is a warning and the
> already defined "toc-depth" identifier is an error.

But besides this the html files are generated. I don't
know what massages Daniel looked at when he generated
the howto files, but he used the html-common.dsl,
and defined the toc level, so he should received
the error.

> > > make: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
> >
> > This may be because of the date conflicts mentioned above.
> No I am sure and I have tested it with Debian and SuSE on
> different maschines.

"Clock skew" mens to me "modification time problems".
But this was just a problem of the files. It seems
you have no html files from the howto now :((

I just passed that error about that redefinition,
because the HTMLs were generated.

> > I am using cygwin so this is why I can use Unix/Linux tools on Windows
> If you don't see the time conflict, it is probably on your client side
> or the Gates Company gots something wrong. I have a Windows ME system
> here too, but I use it almost to watch TV.

That's Good [TM] :))))))


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