Hi Egon,
>> 1. I had a look on the Chapter Features/Persistent Database
>>    connections. There should be explicitly stated, when persistent
>>    connections are closed or ending: webserver or/and database
>>    server shutdown. I think, this point is not clear enough.

> Persistent connections are described in other places in the manual.

I know, I was talking about this place.
(see above: Chapter Features/Persistent Database connections).

Again: my only point was that in the chapter Features, under the
subsection Persistent Database Connections (not in the mysql-section!)
the point is not very clear when persisent connections are
closed/dying .....
It happens when the webserver or the database server dies or by
shutdown. This point is not very clear in this place.
again: only my impression.

>> 2. mysql_pconnect: here also should be mentioned, when persistent
>>    connections are closed.

> There is no mysql_pclose() function. Persistent connections would
> never die. Exeptions are, if the webserver or database server dies.

see above.


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