> > Why can't we use the PEAR standard for PHP code and the PECL coding
> > standard (which seem to be the same as the for php) for C related code.
> > It looks confusing and inconsistent when PHP comes along with PEAR and
> > it's conding standard and the Manual with no or another one. I do not
> > say change all samples at once, but try to integrate the PEAR coding
> > standard into the examples of PHP code in the Manual.
> I think this need to be discussed. What coding standard would
> like the phpdoc authors follow, if any. I think we should follow
> one. Either we choose the PEAR coding standard, which needs to
> be extended somewhat for our needs (eg. variable names,
> comment weiting, output sample formatting), or we need to invent
> a new one, but IMHO it is the best for writers and readers to
> have a consistent manual.

Following a standard seems logical, following the PEAR coding standard
sounds good to me.  It's in the manual, makes sense, and is known to many.

Philip Olson

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