
>> The rendering at php.net is now wrong and it seems to me that there
>> isnīt any rendering, at least for function prototypes.

> So to be correct the current rendering does not include
> the type in the optional part... The first is from
> php.net, the second is from dynamicwebpages.de:

> string mysql_error (resource [link_identifier])
> string mysql_error ([int Verbindungs-Kennung])

> But as said before, I do not know DSSSL, just tried to play
> with it, so I cannot resolve this problem...

> Goba

It seems to depend on the language

string mysql_error (resource [link_identifier])

string mysql_error ([int Verbindungs-Kennung])

string mysql_error (int [link_identifier])

All the builds on php.net are from Friday, 21, except hu

Strange..., html-locale.dsl ?
I myself have no knowledge about DSSSL, but someone could find this
info usefull?


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