Egon Schmid wrote:

> The second line is correct. This means something goes wrong with the
> dsl files or with different versions of DocBook.

just have a look at the source and you will see the difference
causing this behaviour

english version

       <funcdef>string <function>mysql_error</function></funcdef>

german version
       <funcdef>string <function>mysql_error</function></funcdef>

has ever been this way since i did the original dsssl addition
i have already noticed some time ago that multiline <paramdef>s
confuse my code, but as it is going to be obsolete with DocBook4
anyway i'm not going to rewrite it again

the DSSSL code in the DocBook4 branch already does it right in
combination with the switch from <funcsynopsis> to <methodsynopsis>

PS: what is the relation between <para role="seealso">
     and rendering of prototypes? i just don't get it?

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +49-711-99091-77

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