From: "Gabor Hojtsy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > > So where we can find the previously written down
> > > conventions used for writing PHP code in phpdoc?
> > > This file is even not consistent with what you
> > > have said about before-PEAR coding standards, as
> > > I can see.
> >
> > I have done much formatting without reading the README. I hoped
> > peoble read diffs, there would a common census about the rules.
> > old history has gone, the project started in 1997. At the
> > there have been only a few people who where able to validate and
> > build the manual. So I formatted it myself.
> So there is no common standard we can see written down,
> and agreed by phpdoc people previously. As you say, you hope
> we follow commits, and see the standards used there.
> BUT as many people committed many things to the phpdoc files,
> we can see no comon standard in files. This started the
> discussion about standards. And as there is no common standard
> written down, and the things in README 1.1 you referred to as
> the old standard so closely resembles PEAR (functions, spaces),
> we can start off with that. What do you think about that?

Diffs are hard to read. This was a bad example from me. A better one
would be or the PHP manual itself.

Personaly I prefer common standard, but I can also live with both


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