Some related thoughts:

a) Explain different options: --with, --enable, --disable

b) Example configure lines.

c) A Configuration faq: /faq/configuration.xml

d) How does Windows fit into all of this?  Have a Windows section.
   How/where does one get dlls?

e) How do RPM and deb users add extensions?  Ex. php-pgsql
   Also, why would one want php-devel package?  Mention
   apache-devel too.

f) Separate php3/php4 information so php4 users don't have to read
   about php3 and vice versa.  Not sure what "Seperate" means here,
   either by section or a simple two column table or something.
   Seems repetitive but then again, not a major deal.

g) If applicatable, refer to config.xml.  Or, include config.xml
   information outright.  See Below.

The main reason I write is share a vision for a new config.xml which
includes a marriage between the current ini_set() and config.xml docs.
The vision includes the following information:

  a) Name
  b) Value Type:  Boolean, string, or integer
  c) Description
  d) Notes: default hist, see also, related info...
  e) Version it came into existence (maybe include as note)
  f) Default Value: as per php.ini-dist

    There are some issues with this.  For example, register_globals
    is PHP_INI_ALL when in the real world it's impossible to set
    as PHP_INI_USER.  Sure the local value gets set but it's of
    no consequence.  This should be evaluated.

Here's an example (don't pay attention to look|feel|specifics yet):

  register_globals (boolean)   d: 0    PERDIR|SYSTEM    v: 2.0

  Tells whether or not to register the EGPCS (Environment,
  GET, POST, Cookie, Server) variables as global variables.

  Note: Default value was  1  before 4.2.0

That's just an example :)  Some thoughts:

  1) Too much information.  Most directives have been around
     since php3, why always include (e)?  Not sure if simply
     including (e) as a note is better or not.
  2) How to layout all this information yet remain pretty.
  3) Be sure to keep default values up-to-date and note
     the changes.
  4) As mentioned earlier, PHP_INI_ALL isn't always "real".

Reference links: (config.xml) (g)

All thoughts welcome :)

Philip Olson

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