> What Hartmut said is complete nonsense. You cannot translate a
> explanation which terms should be used in German back to English.
> Uwe made here his first attempt to write some guidelines for German
> readers and translators. Hartmut is of course right if he wishes a
> removal so that the German docs are in sync with the English docs.
> If you don´t know how to move information within the German tree, so
> delete it.

Let me clear things out. :) At least I hope I can. :)

There is some text in the de mysql.xml explaining
what words used to explain database related terms
in the translated mysql functions documentation.
This text helps readers.

As Hartmut stated, all text should be removed, or
ported back to the english manual, except if it is
a term explainment text or other text related to
that particular language. So Hartmut would not
be against leaving this text here, and IMHO what he
said is not complete nonsense.

Egon also added that this text is useful for translators,
so he would like to see it in a translators/readers
guide. Actually there is no translators or readers
guide in the current versions of translations as I
know, so this would be a new section to start.

To be correct, a translators guide IMHO should not
be in the docs, but in a separate document in that
languages tree. General translator practices are
in the howto.

We were talking about a readers guide however at
the conference and maybe some other times on the
list. This is why the "About the manual" appendix
was started. It is the natural place IMHO to extend
to contain reader helping material, such as used
typographical presentation explanation and such
(just open your favourite PHP book and see that
part at the begining).

We at the Hungarian translation team also talked
on our own mailing list, that a separate part for
used terms and special Hungarian things may be opened
in the manual. This is currently not there, but would
be helpful for readers, who cannot understand weirdly
translated terms and examples.

I hope I was able to clear some minds :)


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