> What Hartmut said is complete nonsense. You cannot translate a
> explanation which terms should be used in German back to English.
> Uwe made here his first attempt to write some guidelines for German
> readers and translators. Hartmut is of course right if he wishes a
> removal so that the German docs are in sync with the English docs.
> If you donīt know how to move information within the German tree, so
> delete it.

> -Egon

Thanks for your quick answer.
Moving is ok, but whats the target of the move?
Move it to a file only for Translators or should this be shown up in
the manual?

In this intro, you may better know than I, Uwe eplained some terms
like: Anfrageergebnis, Ergebnis; Datensatzzeiger, Feldzeiger ...etc
In his translation he made use of those (translated terms).
IMHO it makes no sense to remove this information, beacause the rest
of the docu may be become harder to read.

I also think the information provided by this intro is not very language
specific. Therefore it could make sense to have an identical
explanation of terms in en. Is there any reason why a term like
link identifier should not be explainded in en?
As similar terms are used for mostly any database related docu it wouold
perhaps make sense to have a general section about explanation of
database terms, e.g. in an appendix.

But I'll do what you wan't me to do.

Again, thanks for your advice and attention.


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