mk              Sat Feb  2 14:21:39 2002 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /phpdoc/de/appendices       about.xml 

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/de  Translators 
  Started Translation of about.xml
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.254 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.255
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.254 Wed Jan 30 14:20:42 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators       Sat Feb  2 14:21:38 2002
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 bookinfo.xml                Egon Schmid             fertig
 ------- appendices ----------------------------------------------------------
+about.xml                   Mark Kronsbein          in Arbeit (bis 1.10)
 aliases.xml                 Mark Kronsbein          fertig (bis 1.16)
 debugger.xml                Jan Lehnardt            fertig

Index: phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml
+++ phpdoc/de/appendices/about.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- $Revision: 1.1 $ -->
<!-- EN-Revision: 1.10 Maintainer: mk Status: working -->

  TODO: add manual conventions section (eg. how to read
        function usage parts, what is fixed width, what is
        bold, what is linked
        add some tips about combining the versions (online-
        offline), and using "";
<appendix id="about">
 <title>&#xDC;ber das Handbuch</title>

 <sect1 id="about.formats">
   Das PHP Handbuch wird in diversen Formaten zur Verf&#xFC;gung gestellt. 
   Diese Formate lassen sich in zwei Gruppen aufteilen: Formate, die online 
   lesbar sind und solche, die zum Download bereit stehen.
    Einige Verlage haben gedruckte Versionen dieses Handbuchs ver&#xF6;ffentlicht. 
    Wir k&#xF6;nnen diese B&#xFC;cher nicht empfehlen, da sie relativ schnell 
    veraltet sind.
   Sie k&#xF6;nnen das Handbuch unter <ulink url="&url.php;"> &url.php;</ulink>
   und zahllosen Mirrors online lesen. Sie sollten generell immer einen Mirror in
   Ihrer N&#xE4;he verwenden. Sie k&#xF6;nnen sich das Handbuch entweder in purem 
   (druckfreundlichen) HTML Format oder in einem HTML Format im Design der PHP 
   Website ansehen.
   Der Vorteil des Onlinehandbuchs gegen&#xFC;ber den meisten Offlineformaten ist
   die Integration von <link linkend="about.notes">Kommentaren</link>, die von Usern
   eingetragen werden. Ein offensichtlicher Nachteil ist, da&#xDF; Sie online sein 
   um das Onlinehandbuch anzusehen.
   Es stehen diverse Offlineformate des Handbuchs zur Verf&#xFC;gung. Welches Format 
   das beste f&#xFC;r Sie ist h&#xE4;ngt davon ab, welches Betriebssystem Sie verwenden
   und wie Sie am liebsten lesen. Wenn Sie Informationen dar&#xFC;ber suchen, wie das 
   Handbuch in so vielen verschiedenen Formaten generiert wird, lesen Sie bitte den 
   Abschnitt <link linkend="about.generate">'Wir wir die Formate generieren'</link> 
   in diesem Anhang.
   Die plattformunabh&#xE4;ngigsten Formate des Handbuchs sind die HTML- und 
   Textversionen. Das HTML Format steht sowohl als einzelne HTML-Datei, als auch als
   Paket von mehren einzelnen Dateien f&#xFC;r jedes Kapitel (welches mehrere tausend 
   Dateien ergibt) zur Verf&#xFC;gung. Die HTML- und Textformate k&#xF6;nnen als
   komprimierte tar Dateien (sowohl gzip als auch bzip2) und ZIP
   Archive heruntergeladen werden.
   Ein anderes gel&#xE4;ufiges Format, welches plattformunabh&#xE4;ngig ist, und 
   das Format, was sich am besten zum drucken eignet, ist PDF (auch als Adobe Acrobat 
   bekannt). Bevor Sie jetzt dieses Format downloaden und auf den Druckbutton 
   Seien Sie gewarnt, dieses Handbuch umfa&#xDF;t fast 2000 Seiten und wird 
    Wenn Sie noch kein Programm installiert haben, &#xFC;ber das Sie PDFs ansehen
    k&#xF6;nnen, laden Sie sich den <ulink url="&url.adobe.acrobat;">Adobe
    Acrobat Reader</ulink> herunter.
   For owners of Palm-compatible handhelds, the Palm document and iSilo
   formats are ideal for this platform. You can bring your handheld with you
   on your daily commute and use a <ulink url="&url.palm.doc;">DOC</ulink>
   or <ulink url="&url.palm.isilo;">iSilo</ulink> reader to brush up on your
   PHP knowledge, or just use it as a quick reference.
   For Windows platforms, the Windows HTML Help version of the manual soups up
   the HTML format for use with the Windows HTML Help application. This
   version provides full-text search, a full index, and bookmarking. Many
   popular Windows PHP development environments also integrate with this
   version of the documentation to provide easy access.
    A Visual Basic for Linux project is in the planning stage, which will
    include the development of a CHM Creator and Viewer for Linux. See their
    <ulink url="&url.vb4linux;"> page</ulink> if you are
    interested in the progress.
 <sect1 id="about.notes">
  <title>About user notes</title>
   The user-contributed notes play an important role in the development of
   this manual. By allowing readers of the manual to contribute examples,
   caveats, and further clarifications from their browser, we are able to
   incorporate that feedback into the main text of the manual. And until the
   notes have been incorporated, they can be viewed in their submitted form
   online and in some of the offline formats.
    The user-contributed notes are not moderated before they appear online, so
    the quality of the writing or code examples, and even the veracity of the
    contribution, cannot be guaranteed. (Not that there is any guarantee of
    the quality or accuracy of the manual text itself.)
 <sect1 id="about.more">
  <title>How to find more information about PHP</title>
   This manual does not attempt to provide instruction about general
   programming practices. If you are a first-time, or even just a beginning,
   programmer, you may find it difficult to learn how to program in PHP using
   just this manual. You may want to seek out a text more oriented towards
   beginners. You can find a list of PHP-related books at <ulink
   There are a number of active mailing lists for discussion of all aspects of
   programming with PHP. If you find yourself stuck on a problem for which you
   can't find your own solution, you may be able to get help from someone on
   these lists. You can find a list of the mailing lists at <ulink
   url="&;">&;</ulink>, as well as links to the
   mailing list archives and other online support resources. Furthermore, at
   <ulink url="&url.php.links;">&url.php.links;</ulink> there is a list of
   websites devoted to PHP articles, forums, and code galleries.

 <sect1 id="about.howtohelp">
  <title>How to help improve the documentation</title>
   There are two ways you can help to improve this documentation.
   If you find errors in this manual, in any language, please report them
   using the bug system at <ulink url="&url.php.bugs;">&url.php.bugs;</ulink>.
   Classify the bug as "Documentation Problem". You can also submit problems
   related to specific manual formats here.
    Please don't abuse the bug system by submitting requests for help. Use the
    mailing lists or community sites mentioned earlier, instead.
   By contributing notes, you can provide additional examples, caveats, and
   clarifications for other readers. But do not submit bug reports using the
   annotation system please. You can read more about annotations in the <link
   linkend="about.notes">'About user notes'</link> section of this
 <sect1 id="about.generate">
  <title>How we generate the formats</title>
   This manual is written in <acronym>XML</acronym> using the <ulink
   url="&url.docbook.xml;">DocBook XML DTD</ulink>, using <ulink
   url="&url.dsssl;"><acronym>DSSSL</acronym></ulink> (Document
   Style and Semantics Specification Language) for formatting, and
   experimentally the <ulink url="&url.xslt;"><acronym>XSLT</acronym>
   </ulink> (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)
   for maintenance and formatting.
   Using <acronym>XML</acronym> as a source format gives us
   the ability to generate many output formats from the source
   files, while only maintaining one source document for all formats.
   The tools used for formatting <acronym>HTML</acronym> and
   <acronym>TeX</acronym> versions are
   <ulink url="&url.jade;">Jade</ulink>, written by <ulink
   url="&url.jclark;">James Clark</ulink> and <ulink
   url="&url.dbstyle;">The Modular DocBook Stylesheets</ulink>
   written by <ulink url="&url.nwalsh;">Norman Walsh</ulink>.
   We use <ulink url="&url.winhelp;">Microsoft HTML Help
   Workshop</ulink> to generate the Windows HTML Help format
   of the manual, and of course PHP itself to do some
   additional conversions and formatting.
   You can download the manual in various languages and
   formats, including plain text, plain <acronym>HTML</acronym>,
   <acronym>PDF</acronym>, PalmPilot DOC, PalmPilot iSilo and
   Windows HTML Help, from
   <ulink url="&;">&;</ulink>.
   The manuals are updated automatically as the text is updated.
   You can find more information about downloading the
   <acronym>XML</acronym> source code of this documentation
   at <ulink url="&url.php.cvs;">&url.php.cvs;</ulink>. The
   documentation is stored in the <literal>phpdoc</literal> module.


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