> No. The it group uses the - as you say way cooler - revision
> tracking method, the translation.xml, instead of the Translators

I know that now. translatioln.xml was checked in yesterday. I 
did build it locally and it really rocks! Great work Gabor!

> file. As this file is XML, the revcheck program is able to read
> and generate nice tables from it, like who is doing what, and
> they are in what stage, and can interlink files and people
> together, etc... The translation.xml feature is not currently
> documented in the howto, but you can see examples in the hu
> and it tree. Hu exclusively use the translation.xml method,
> dropping out the Tranlators file, as it is more convinient for
> us to use this. The decision is up to the translators group
> to choose...

+1 for translation.xml
> The revcheck script is bacward compatible to handle languages
> with revision comments in files, but no translation.xml file...

Ive just found some "errors" in revcheck.php, which I will
fix in the next hours. What I found were only some missing
"" and a need of &nbsp; in empty <td>s for Netscape. Only
HTML cosmetics, but I think it is okay, if I commit them, isnt it?

> Yes. And you need your languages files check out too ;)

Hehe, since Ive nearly the whole cvs.php.net on my disk, this
is no problem ;)


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