
| to have a solution for that ugly file structure introduced in install
| files, and find final places for install files.

Yes we really need a solution which will stand the test of time. 
It will cause me a big headache to keep up with the updates in 
install chapter if the other languages (including "hu") cannot/
don't follow the recent english file structure.

There were a little discussion how the install.xml can be split
and distributed reasonably between existing dirs and with creating
new ones. But no decision yet. 
Some months ago it could be acceptable that translators would need 
to do their job twice if they jumped to the new english install files
immediately - not waiting for a fully deliberated configuration.

Now time goes by, new stable Apache has been released, PHP 4.2.0 
comes soon. More and more people will be eager to read the most 
recent installation steps to make work together their favourite
dev tools. 
IMO, translators should translate these new instructions...

| First of all 90% of config.xml and install.configure.*.xml files
| can be distributed into extension documentation files. The question
| is who has the time to do this, and how to do this.
| For now, we have mysql/reference.xml [and maybe some others]
| with the ini info moved into the extension reference. IMHO it would
| be the best to have a configure.xml and an ini.xml file in every
| reference dir with the corresponding configure and ini stuff.
| These files can of course contain the same [or similar] structure
| used in mysql/reference.xml

This can be aa very good starting point. Each function reference
should contain two additional files:

    ini.xml    -- installation (compile time) instruction
    config.xml -- everything related to php.ini (maybe?)

| So then intro.xml install.*.xml and security.xml will be left
| in chapters/. We'll we previously agreed (as I remember ;),
| that chapters is a really odd name for this. And we also agreed
| on a new directory named install for general, and server related
| installation information.
| So intro.xml and security.xml is left in chapters... IMHO security
| is a kind of appendix, though it is much more important than to be
| an appendix... Intro needs some more info, the integration of

Yes, security is much more. I'm afraid that users tend to disregard it
by putting it into an appendix (to the end of the manual).  
BTW, I have an other problem with its current location. I think a newbie
must read a lot ahead -- at least to the language section --, and return
back to these security manners to really understand what it's about.

Can security.xml be put into "features" directory or distribute its 
content in other .xml's? (just not an appendix :)

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