What I get is exactly as below:

$ make test
SP_ENCODING=gb2312 SP_CHARSET_FIXED=YES ../phpdoc-tools/jade/nsgmls.exe -i
zh_cn -D . -s ./dtds/dbxml-4.1.2/phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:37:11:E: character data
is no
t allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:42:18:E: character data
is no
t allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:.\installpart.xml:5:28:E: character
 is not allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:.\installpart.xml:25:10:E: end tag
for "
chapter" which is not finished
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:45:19:E: character data
is no
t allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:51:25:E: character data
is no
t allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:61:7:E: end tag for
"part" wh
ich is not finished
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:65:27:E: character data
is no
t allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:75:7:E: end tag for
"part" wh
ich is not finished
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:79:30:E: character data
is no
t allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:190:7:E: end tag for
"part" w
hich is not finished
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:197:15:E: character data
is n
ot allowed here
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:210:7:E: end tag for
"part" w
hich is not finished
d:\cvs.php\phpdoc-tools\jade\nsgmls.exe:manual.xml:214:22:E: character data
is n
ot allowed here
make: *** [test] Error 1

Gregory Song   [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.windia.net +86-28-83203038-203

> >  Well, I configured it correctly and get 'gb2312' encoding when I make
> test.
> > However, It cannot make test correctly and I get the errors I described
> here
> > yesterday, although the files are alright!
> >
> > $make test
> ../phpdoc-tools/jade/nsgmls.exe -i
> > lang-zh_ch -D . -s ./dtds/ ..........
> > [some error in manual.xml and installpart.xml files...]
> As you have reported quite some errors these days, please copy-paste the
> actual and current error reoport you receive now, including all the output
> of make test.
> Goba

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