
so the round of builds i kicked off the other day are done.


seems the following langs didn't build correctly: ar, fi, fr, he, hk, kr,
pl, ro, ru, sk, sl, sv, tr.

So, i propose that we spend the next couple of weeks doing nothing but
fixing (or depreciating) builds.

Welcome to Operation "Manual" Fix!

what we need to do is check the build logs at the above mentioned url, and
correct the errors that it specifices when a make test (or a make
test_man_gen) is run. for translations that seem to be more or less non
existant, I propose that they just don't get built, and so we don't end up
with 5% translated builds for the site, which just seems to be silly.

Hmm, ok that seems to be it for now...

but lets get builds fixed. If there isn't enough of a build in a
translation, then let me know and i will remove it from the build tree.

 -- james

James Cox :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://james.blogs.at/
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