On Fre, 2002-12-27 at 22:00, Jesus M. Castagnetto wrote:
> I am not sure that a workable script that analyses the
> commit might be easy to create. The one w/ the ratio
> of changes might be simple, but not buletproof because
> (as Derick mentioned) there are partial translations
> in some files.
> Wouldn't it be simpler to just organize things along
> the following lines:
> a) All translation teams have one or more main
> editors/organizers. Those people are the ones that can
> have karma for both the English and the corresponding
> language branch
> b) The rest of the translation team gets karma only in
> their respective branch
> c) Patches to the english branch submitted from a
> translation team member, should (must?) be applied by
> the team editors/organizers or by any of the people w/
> 'en' karma.
> All of this is implementable with the existing ACL
> scripts, and using the ideas on the way other
> multibranch projects work.
+1, sounds reasonable and implementable

Hakan Kuecuekyilmaz, University of Applied Sciences Esslingen, Germany

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