Maybe you can add some arguments here, something like :
"this feature may be usefull if you need to include a file but don't
want to have extra lines after the closing tags (for headers for example), etc etc"

something that will make the doc more consistant ;)

Thanks for advice. I think that this feature is strange and improper so it's not easy for me to explain why it's there. You know that newline just behind ?> is stripped. So even if you end included file by ?>\n and not by ?>, headers work still well.

If you know why this features is there, please describe it more
precisely. I really don't know - it's straight against XML compliance.

Since you can have more then one newline after the PHP block... Imagine that the code is generated or edited with some wysiwyg tool... That might add some extra whitespace... Trailing whitespace is not too easy to spot in many editors... <? is also against XML compliance, so is <%...

P.S. I'm already subscribed in the list so there's no need to send me
Cc :-).

You *will* get the letters from the people here (at least) twice, as this is the common method, and we don't make exceptions :) Someone had some practical advice on how to set up your local procmail to remove duplicated messages, you might be able to find some details in the archives...


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