> well, I wouldn't do "tag-guessing", I would just put something around
> blocks of code, and not worry about tags at all. encasing code in 
> [php][/php] or something similar will allow us to not bother over 
> missing ?>, etc, as the highlighting will stop at [/php]. (besides, its
> a "feature" to leave off ?> :) It will be a lot easier to write a script
> to add in encasing blocks, rather than fix and/or add missing tags. As
> for fixing missing " ' etc, atleast the highlighting will stop at 
> [/php], and not pollute the entire note. We can manage notes as we find
> them, or leave them broken ( eg don't go through the manual throwing in
> missing quotations and such; either remove bad notes or leave them alone
> ) now that its not a huge problem.

I think there are only very little number of notes with PHP start tag
but without PHP end tag. And I think that this notes are not a big
problem. (Can you please show me some notes of this kind?)

But there are many notes without PHP tags at all. My idea is to help
note-submitters by guessing where PHP tags should be and show it them
in preview. To make older notes also highlighted, someone (probably
me) can apply this guessing algorithm to older notes.

Jakub Vrana

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