Serban Gh. Ghita wrote:


Hi and welcome to the crew Serban :)

My name is Serban Gh. Ghita and i was accepted as a official manual
translator and developer on, my actual e-mail is
zamolxe_at_php_dot_net .
I have read and understood the most chapters located at , i have also read others cvs recomended
manuals (not entirely), and here i am with a silly problem, i guess..
I am trying to import the chapter /security/ that is not translated under
phpdoc-ro. I only translated apache.xml to make some tests (i have validate
it, etc).

good :)

cd phpdoc-ro/ro/  (under which i have /security/apache.xml <-- translated)
cvs import -m "i have modified apache.xml and i intend to translate the
whole Security chapter" security zamolxe v1
{text scrolls}
 i get localy the dir security and in find in it the following:
CVS                    chapters               preface.xml
INFO_FOR_TRANSLATORS   chmonly                reference
Translators            language-defs.ent      security
apache.xml             language-snippets.ent  translation.xml
bookinfo.xml           make_chm_index_ro.html
which i think is bad.

I want to know the following:
1. if my cvs commands were correct

no, they're not IMHO

2. do i have to compare /en/ and /ro/ under /phpdoc-ro/ to see what chapters
where not translated

yes, phpdoc-ro/en/ is the up to date english version (but you still need to cvs up it to see the new changes :))

3. please tell me what correct command to issue, to import/add a directory
(i've tested 'cvs add' with no succes). Please give me some examples.

In your case, I would do :

cd phpdoc-ro/
mkdir ro/security
cp en/security/apache.xml ro/security/apache.xml
# translate ro/security/apache.xml and ./configure --with-lang=ro && make test
cvs add ro/security
cvs add ro/security/apache.xml
cvs ci -m "my first step in phpdoc-ro" ro/security

This is how I do it for the french documentation. I don't know if it's the best way, but it works fine :)
import is an administrative command in CVS, you don't have to play with it.

Please be mecifull with my ignorance, but i guess i have to RTFM some more.

you're welcome to ask on this list any question you want, as long as you rtfm a little before ;)

Nice to meet you :)


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