"Nuno Lopes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > The  issue you raise here is more files arrangement Issue then real
> > what about one file per language that contains all the strings using the
> on
> > the next phases and include() on the end of the file rtl_style_mapping
> > ltr_style_mapping?
> >
> > if ok, someone with filesystem access to the cvs may commit the changes
> > renaming the *original* filenames for saving the history (my commit was
> just
> > a way to demonstrate the change, anyway commiting change link this
> > manually playing with the files).
> >
> > --/moshe
> I think that having a file for each language with the strings is OK.
> But I think we don't need any other file for RTL.

RTL changes are not just dump dir='rtl' on some tags. there are somtimes
span to div changes or inserting &nbsp; to patch rtl and ltr issues.
1. i see no much sense polluting the orginal file with if()'s and needless
functions (btw, if performance is your hobby you losing here due to needless
functions calls).
2. since the rtl support is still experiment (on most of the applications
btw), naturally i'will commit relatively much small tunings - and i prefer
respecting your peace by working on separated file. synchronizing this file
is not such a big deal and i can take this on myself.

may you changed your mind?

>We need just an array
> (sorry Derick :)) with the languages that use RTL.
> Which languages use RTL? and which charset?
hebrew : window-1255
> Nuno
> P.S.: can you please revert your patch?

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