> I've been also merging the http://php.net/zend-engine-2.php into
> the docs as well.

That file was merged into appendixes/migration5.xml. So, you may copy the
text from there, as it already has the docbook formatting.

> > Oh, we also need a new section to replace the final.xml, to include not
> > the final keyword, but also, self and this, IHMO.
> My orginaly thought was to put self and parent inside of the
> paamayim-nekudotayim.xml file, a new home would be nice for them.

Oh, thats ok... I didn't know what you were thinking to put in ::

The next step is exceptions... We must think where to put them!


P.S.: I'm going on vacations today, so next week I won't be able to answer
any e-mail

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