Could you generate the file-entities.ent file as normal, then do a check to see if it is using the cygwin jade and if so, do a mass replace on the strings in the file-entities.ent file? If I was just using PHP then I could do a mass str_replace on the file after reading it into an array, for example. But I don't know how the ./configure script works - it isn't something I've ever done (but it is interesting!).


Gabor Hojtsy wrote:

$Id:,v 1.35 2005/04/03 18:47:41 goba Exp $

I have no idea at this point. The goal is to have the cygwin path values into the file-entities.ent file after all. If you can manage to find a way, then it might make things work. It would be great help afterwards for those coming after you, so they can easily set up the tools, without fiddling with anyhthing except cygwin (given they have PHP already set up).


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