> actually its not a config file, its a config dir :)
> I have many files in /usr/share/spamassassin, although not all are
> needed for us.

Ok.. what directives are you using? (-:

> Anyway, I think the best thing to do now is to implement a function to
> pass the note through spamassassin and display the result (X-Spam-Status
> line) in the e-mail that is sent to the notes list, so that we can check
> if we need to tweak the configuration.

I did something like this in my quick tests:

$d = array(
  0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stin
  1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout
  2 => array("pipe", "w")  // stderr
$proc = proc_open('/path/to/spamassassin -L -e 8', $d, $p);
fclose($p[2]); // keep it open if you want to read stderr
fwrite($p[0], $originalNoteText);
$noteWithHeaders = stream_get_contents($p[1]);


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