
> I just wanted to shoot a quick email to the list to see when we could
> start work on docs for Unicode upgrades (PHP 6). The main thing, IMO, is
> having a way to mark functions as Unicode compatible and also have a
> section (per-function) for any Unicode-related notes. Any other thoughts
> on this?

A few things..

First, phpdoc contribution seems to be at a low. There's not much going
on right now, and seemingly not many people willing to pitch in (myself
included -- I've been lax lately).

That said, technically, we could probably pretty easily add a proto "U"
parser and add a &unicode.safe; entity to most applicable

Adding unicode notes could be done on a function-by-function basis; no
need for a dedicated section, as this hopefully won't affect most
functions. If the same issues affect a large subset of functions, we can
come up with entities for this, too.

Another thing that you and I have discussed, but I've never passed on to
the list is the new proto markup for traditional strings vs. unicode
strings vs. binary strings. Anyone got thoughts on this?


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