On 1/8/07, Sean Coates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jacques (and others),

An excerpt, for some context:
[20:33] <philip--> i request you build the doc howto :)
[20:35] <scoates> prometheus% ./howto
[20:35] <scoates> autoconf: not found
[20:35] <scoates> ./howto: ./configure: not found
[20:35] <scoates> make: don't know how to make howtophp. Stop
[20:35] <scoates> cp: howto/php/*: No such file or directory
[20:35] <scoates> make: don't know how to make howtotgz. Stop
[20:35] <scoates> cp: howto/howto.html.tar.gz: No such file or directory
[20:35] <scoates> that's be why
[20:36] <philip--> unfortunate
[20:41] <scoates> yeah
[20:41] <scoates> I don't have root
[20:42] <philip--> do you feel having doc on pb11 would make our lives
[20:42] <scoates> probably. how stable is pb11, now?
[20:43] <philip--> bash-2.05b# uptime
[20:43] <philip--> 8:34PM  up 107 days, 10:06, 1 user, load averages:
0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[20:43] <philip--> like a rock! :)
[20:43] <scoates> that looks good (-:
[20:44] <scoates> what have we tried to do to contact jacques?
[20:50] <philip--> i've tried 2-3 times on my own, no responses
[20:50] <philip--> it's been 6 or so months however


Jacques: we need to hear from you.
Everyone else: if we don't -- do you want to move doc.php.net to pb11?
Putting the stuff on Jacques' server was only because we didn't have a
spare box back then, IIRC.


There is no need to worry about the "bus factor" since Jacques
recently did his yearly phpweb logo changes.. ..oO( it could be
running from crontab on a random server.. ) :)

But, yeah, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't move it to pb11.


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