Hi all

Given the fact that the 'new-doc-style' is now almost 3years old and
we still have bunch of extensions that haven't converted yet I think
its time to loosen the rules up a bit and would therefor like to
propose a minor change to our convert-to-new-doc-style guidelines:

Allow committing one function at a time.

Unless your name starts with "Mehdi" and ends with "Achour" it takes
serious amount of time to convert an extension so most people don't
even bother starting - and those who start converting few functions
forget about it for few weeks and have probably by then made a clean
checkout and accidentally erased the changes.

- Translations don't get seriously outdated all the sudden
- When we have few minutes we can convert (and commit) without
fearing someone will hunt us down and kick our balls for not finishing
a month later
- We get some CVS activity (looks like we are working on something)
- We keep translators on their toes (always something new for them to

- We can't use the "I don't have the time to convert whole extension"
argument anymore
- We can't use the "but the function is still using the
old-doc-style, it's hard fixing this bug" excuse when dealing with bug
- We can't use the "Christmas are coming soon, Mehdi will take care
of it" excuse

So, unless you can hunt me down and steal my keyboard (or convince me
not to somehow) I will start committing few functions at a time ;)

Yours truly,
Hannes \o/

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