Hi all

Given the fact that the 'new-doc-style' is now almost 3years old and
we still have bunch of extensions that haven't converted yet I think
its time to loosen the rules up a bit and would therefor like to
propose a minor change to our convert-to-new-doc-style guidelines:

Allow committing one function at a time.

Unless your name starts with "Mehdi" and ends with "Achour" it takes
serious amount of time to convert an extension so most people don't
even bother starting - and those who start converting few functions
forget about it for few weeks and have probably by then made a clean
checkout and accidentally erased the changes.

The main reason it's taken so long is that people have simply not
thought much or worried about it nor has anyone pushed for its
completion. Let's change this philosophy here and now and make it
happen and finally get this thing over with. If changing the rules
will help then let's do it. Hopefully that will help us mere mortals
get the job done as it's true, there is only one Mehdi.

Although converting just one function is okay, I'd much prefer
people to do at least five at a time. And when doing so we
should not modify "checked out" extensions as per the migration
page here:


And in case anyone is listening at home and itching to be a part
of this great fun, the above wiki page contains information for
how to join in.


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